Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Medieval Family





I succeeded in convincing Carson to go with a theme once again! I always hate the stress of dealing with Halloween costumes, but I am always pleased with my work once they are all done. I just wish I wasn't so last minute! But apparently my creative juices only flow under extreme pressure! I think Oliver is the cutest Jester I've ever seen! I just want to leave his little hat on him all the time. And he was so cute in his carseat, kicking his feet to hear the bells jingle.
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Pumpkin Carving

Matt's favorite thing to do this year was convince the kids they should taste the goop that comes out of the pumpkin by licking. We were very impressed with Carson's witch. He cut it all out himself!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

For the Fam

I know everyone can't enjoy this, but Katy, Britt, and the grandparents will! I was bummed when I realized that the camera had adjusted when I sat down! Oh well, still worth watching in this mama's opinion! :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Boys and Girls Club Basketball

This would be Carson's second game. If you notice him, you will see that he's got a long ways to go! In the first game he didn't even want to play, then he warmed up to it, then got locked out of the gym at half time, and was so upset that he wouldn't go back in after that. Nevermind that he was the only sub and all the kids were begging to sit out. Did I mention that Matt is the coach? Yes, I think it's a bit humbling for him. There's no score kept, of course, but we haven't played a team yet that isn't better than us. There are so many factors involved. They are first and second grade combined, so many of the teams have a majority of second graders with a year more experience than the first. There is no time to practice. The kids are too young to play basketball. Etc. Etc. Etc. Hopefully the kids are having fun, because it can be hard to watch! I know Matt wishes he had more time to work with Carson, especially when his peers' kids are playing against us and seem to have quite a bit more skill and experience!

His Own Recipe


The title is Haree Potr Spell. Carson loves to make up his own recipes. This time he asked me for a bit of help and we cooked it. They turned out like Banana Muffin Cupcakes with coconut frosting. I was quite impressed with the results! I totally guessed on the amounts of each ingredient (using my previous cooking experience, of course) and it worked! I would say the only change needed is less baking soda or poweder, not sure which. (I put a teaspoon of each.)
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Fall Photo Shoot

A little rough. The kids are so tired after school, you never know what will happen. Montana was in meltdown mode before we could get to the whole family pics. We need a better photographer!

Super DAD!



For those of you who knew Matt in another time, he has changed a bit! For the better, I think, because school spirit is important! And as Julius says in Remember the Titans, "attitude reflects leadership, Captain"! I am proud of Matt for how much of himself he invests in his school. There are many students that will be impacted by his leadership and for many he interacts with each day, he is the only positive role model they have.

This is his outfit for Super Hero day during spirit week. We came up with it at 10 pm the previous night! (That's not the best role modeling, I know!)
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A Big Undertaking


We all start out a little ambitious, don't we?
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Tea Party with Grandma


Grandma Pam does all the playing with the kids that I don't. We love Grandma Pam! I hope that someday I am as good a grandma as she is.
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Fall Beach Picnic


Matt has been working on his parents' house every Saturday. On this particular Saturday we needed something to get us out of the house. We actually didn't go to the beach once this summer because I liked the lake for days hot enough to swim. So, we took a picnic and enjoyed a sunny fall afternoon at the beach. The kids enjoyed themselves in the sand!
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learning to play together


I don't know what's going on exactly in this picture, I just found Ollie with wet wipes spread over his bottom and a bowl on top. The dynamics in this house are interesting right now. Carson and Tana are playing a lot more together right now, but excluding Hallie, so that causes some turmoil. She really wants to be a part of what they are doing and feels left out often. It's understandable to me, as an oldest, the need to keep the little siblings out of things we work hard on, such as legos. But Hallie is starting to be able to understand and participate more in the types of things they are playing. Once in awhile Montana will get playing with Hallie and, I think, is plesantly surprised at how capable and fun she is to play with. In those moments I see glimpses of the closeness of sisterhood forming and I even fear the future of them becoming a united front against us! On the other hand, I have Hallie here with Ollie for a few more years, so I hope she and he will play together well. That's why I think it's funny when I come upon a scene such as this.
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Oliver and Sable, about a month age difference.

Building a Tree Fort



Carson has talked about a tree fort since the beginning of the summer, but I told Matt don't start one, in hopes that we would be selling the house. He decided to get it started this fall. It's a good father/son project. We have a floor and ladder!
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