Thursday, April 22, 2010

I heart trampolines!

Many people think trampolines are evil. But I think they are one of the best inventions on the face of the earth. I mean, if you want to keep your kids completely safe and protected from all harm at all times, why not just send them out in a bubble? Or not send them out at all. Or, let your kids live and have fun! Trampolines are fun. They make my kids happy. We aren't the model parents when it comes to safety. Whatever. So far, in 7 years, we haven't made any trips to the ER! It's kind of disappointing, really, when we hear so many others' ER stories. :) This was last night in the torrential rain.

This is my husband's amazing photography!

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1 comment:

Dana Broderick said...

AGREE with you 100%!!! My kids LOVE our trampoline and most people here won't by them for fear their kids will get hurt. Don't kids get hurt all the time? And my kids play, play, play on it. Best investment ever.